گروهی از ایرانیان مقیم کانادا در اعتراض به نحوه برخورد سفارت کانادا و رد ویزای ویزیتوری خانوادههای ایرانی پتیشنی را تهیه دیدهاند که از دوستانی که علاقهمند هستند خانوادههاشان بتوانند به راحتی به کانادا رفت و آمد کنند این تقاضانامه را امضا کنند.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر به این سایت مراجعه کنید.
ممنون از آقا رئوف بابت در جریان گذاشتن بچهها
FRIENDS: Never ask for foodSASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Always bring the food. And lots of it.
FRIENDS: Will say "hello".SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. More than one.
FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. FRIENDS:SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Cry with you. And for you.
FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing, and just being together. Then do the dishes before leaving.
FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. And most of the time know you better than you do yourself.
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd ' s ass that left you. Then walk beside you in the front of the crowd.
FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" If you are not home , they will wait.
FRIENDS: Are for a while.SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Are for life. And then some.Call your parents " Mr." and " Mrs."
SASKATCHEWAN FRIENDS: Call your parents "Mom" and "Dad" , and often.به قلم: مریم
فستیوال folkfest به مدت سه روز در روزهای 14، 15 و 16 در سراسر شهر ساسکاتون برنامه خواهد داشت. برنامه ها شامل رقص و موزیک از چندین کشور مختلف هست. اطلاعات بیشتر رو میتونید از سایت اصلی بدست بیارید:
به قلم: آذین
شبکه اینترنتی ایرانیان مقیم تورنتو (ایرانتو) - بر اساس قانون جدید مهاجرت، دانشجویانی که هم اکنون در کانادا تحصیل میکنند و سایر افرادی که با ویزای موقت مشغول کار هستند، میتوانند جهت اخذ ویزای دائم، از داخل کشور، تقاضا کنند.
خانم دایان فینلی، وزیر مهاجرت و شهروندی امروز با اعلام این مطلب افزود، این برنامه از اکتبر امسال و در راستای جذب بیشتر نیروهای متخصص خارجی به اجرا در میآید.
برای اینگونه افراد ، تجربه کار و حضور در کانادا، می تواند به عنوان امتیاز ویژه در هنگام درخواست ، مد نظر قرار گیرد.
به قلم: سیمین
With regarding to the tax exemption in previous post , I emailed the Graduate Retention Program (GRP)about it, in summary , this program is focusing on students below the graduate level but people are still working on it.
I put the letter here for interested readers:
As you are aware, the Government of Saskatchewan introduced a refundable income tax credit in 2008 to rebate up to $20,000 of tuition paid by post-secondary graduates who stay in the province after graduation. As with any publicly funded program, parameters must be set and in doing so, the government decided to focus on the retention of Saskatchewan graduates and credentials below the graduate level. Individuals who have graduated from eligible post–secondary programs that lead to a certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree or journeyperson certification will be able to apply for the GRP. Graduate students would therefore be eligible for the GRP at the time they complete their undergraduate studies.
I appreciate the concerns you have raised with respect to the current criteria for the GRP excluding Graduate students. Please note that government is currently consulting with stakeholders regarding the list of graduates who are eligible for the GRP and may expand the list to help meet Saskatchewan’s labour market needs. Following these consultations, updated information on the GRP will be posted on our website at http://www.aeel.gov.sk.ca/grp later this summer or in early fall. Please be assured your comments regarding the current GRP and Graduate students will be considered during these consultations.
Mandy Beach
Student Financial Assistance Branch
Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment & Labour
4635 Wascana Parkway, Regina Sk S4P 3A3
بایستی اضافه کنم که برگرداندن شهریه تا حد ۲۰۰۰ دلار به دانشجوهای فارغ التحصیل یکی از برنامه های خوب این استان برای جذب نیروی متخصص و تقویت نیروی انسانی است.
به قلم سیمین
Saturday, August 23rd, 2008 Downtown Saskatoon
9:00 am to 12:00 noon in Kiwanis Park between the Delta Bessborough Hotel and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada.
11:00 am at the Bandshell -- Vimy Memorial
Moleben/Blessing Service
Official Welcoming
Flag Raising
noon to 9:00 pm just south of the Delta Bessborough Hotel
Ukrainian food
Stage show (starts at 1:30 - until 6:30)
Beer garden featuring beer from Ukraine and Ukraine Day's own private label beer
Children's activities
Souvenir vendors
Cultural displays
Fun for the whole family - young and old
Free admission - bring your own lawn chair
به قلم سیمین
تیم فوتبالمون هفته گذشته هم پیروز میدان شد. مسابقات هر چهارشنبه برگزار میشه و تنها مشکل تیم کمبود بازیکن دختره.
این آخر هفته برنامهها و نمایشهای خیابانی درمنطقه برادوی برگزار شد. من دیشب که برای دوچرخهسواری و دیدن پل برادوی رفته بودم به طور اتفاقی متوجه شدم.پ ریشب هم همونطرفها بودم و از دور دیدم که خیابانها رو بسته بودند و صدای موسیقی و آتش بازی به گوش میخورد.
نمایشها شامل سرگرمی برای کودکان /پخش فیلم/طنز/موسیقی و رقص بود. یه سری غرفه فروش صنایع دستی هم در طول خیابان ترتیب داده شده بود.
من دو کلیپ کوتاه از نمایشها اینجا می دارم.
یکی رقص روبات که توسط دختری آلمانی اجرا می شدوبسیار شادبود.
و دیگری هم رقصی که درحسن ختام برنامه گروههای نمایشی رقص اجرا شد.
اولین دوشنبه آگوست در کانادا به نام تعطیل اجتماعی (Civic Holiday) نامگذاری شده و هدف از آن استراحت و کار نکردن است. بنابراین تعطیلات آخرهفته سه روز خواهد بود. خیلیها از این فرصت استفاده میکنند و به سفرهای تفریحی میروند.
دوستان ما در PSA هم امروز تا Black Strapرکاب زدند و درحال حاضر باید مشغول صرف نهار باشند. فردا هم برمیگردند.
نکته جالب درمورد تعطیلات کانادا اینه که به جای اینکه براساس تاریخ باشه بر اساس روز هفته است که معمولا دوشنبههاست و درنتیجه فرصت کافی برای استفاده از آن وجود دارد. برای دیدن لیستی از روزهای تعطیل درکل کانادا به این لینک مراجعه کنید.
به قلم سیمین
"On the first Sunday in August (1882), I was lying in my tent about 3p.m. when a young man came in with a handful of bright red berries and gave them to me. After eating some, I asked where they were found. He said 'along the river bank.' I asked if people had a name for them. He said they were saskatoon berries. I at once exclaimed 'You have found the name of the town -- SASKATOON.' The name was formally accepted by the directors that winter and entered in the minutes."
Sources: Douglas, R. Meaning of Canadian City Names. Ottawa: F.A. Acland,1922
به قلم سیمین
یکی از خوانندگان عزیز وبلاگمون مرجع بسیار بسیار مفید و جالبی راجب استان ساسکاچوان راه اندازی کردن
اولین بانک اطلاعات فارسی درباره مهاجرت به استان ساسکاچوان کانادا به جرات می تونم بگم کاملترین چیزیه که تا به حال راجب این استانی که کمتر از همه استان های کانادا بهش توجه شده دیدم. با تشکر از ایشون به خاطر این وبلاگ مفید.
حتما سر بزنید ...مطالبی داره که تا بحال راجب محل زندگیمون نمیدونستیم.
به قلم: آذین
SASKATOON — It used to be hard to find anyone in Saskatoon who would speak ill of this tranquil city on the south Saskatchewan River. It might not have been as well-heeled as other centres, but it was a pretty place, a city of bridges, somewhere you could afford to buy a house, you knew your neighbours, and could drive clear across town in 10 minutes.
Now business is good, house prices are soaring and a new sense of confidence has taken hold. Saskatoon is officially a boomtown, and that's where the complaints begin.
"When they use the phrase, 'Saskatoon is the new Calgary,' there's a lot that goes with that," said Tony Bassett, 37, a communications manager who has lived in the city for 15 years.
"The roads issue is going through the roof, because the infrastructure is just not able to handle the growth. The city is really struggling to keep its head above water."
For the first time in more than a decade, more people are moving to Saskatchewan than leaving. Saskatoon has been the primary beneficiary of that growth, as uranium, potash, oil and gas, and record wheat prices have all fuelled the city's resurgence.
The Conference Board of Canada said last week that Saskatoon, population 202,000, would have the country's fastest growing economy this year, knocking Calgary from the top spot.
But ask anyone in the city how the economic good times are affecting their lives, and they'll complain about the traffic.
"When you've lived a certain way for 15 years and then you're in a traffic jam, the kind you see in big cities, you start to freak out and you get pretty angry," Mr. Bassett said. "One of the great selling points was that you could get anywhere in 10 minutes. Not any more. If you go at peak times, you're looking at 45 minutes to get across the city."
Part of the problem is the expansion of the city's suburbs. Bedroom communities on the city's edge that were going nowhere five years ago are now adding huge subdivisions. Bulldozers fill the landscape around towns such as Warman, just north of Saskatoon, which is struggling to keep pace with a 36 per cent increase in its population since 2002.
In Saskatoon itself, house prices jumped 57 per cent last year, to an average of $253,000. Although that's still relatively affordable compared to other Canadian cities, it's a big adjustment for those who live here.
Mr. Bassett says he has lost count of the number of unsolicited calls he has had from real-estate agents wondering if he'd like to sell his home on the city's desirable east side. On the one hand, he's thrilled to have a valuable asset that has doubled or even tripled in value. On the other hand, he'd hate to be on the outside of the housing market looking in.
"A lot of people went to Alberta with big dreams and aspirations, but they were no better off there with the high cost of living. So they came back home, and now they're seeing many of the same problems," he said.
David Williams, a professor at the University of Saskatchewan's Edwards School of Business, said the city should enjoy its time in the spotlight, because it may be brief. The province's resource-based economy is prone to boom and bust.
"It's like a lawn sprinkler - when the stream touches us we're a 'have' province. We hope it will stay, but it usually keeps going around," he said.
"Let's be honest, this is not the centre of the universe, but we now have an Audi dealership."
Prof. Williams said many people are struggling with the boom because wages haven't caught up with living costs. Apartment buildings are being bought up and turned into condominiums, which has reduced the supply of apartments and driven up the cost of rent, he said. Some people have seen their rent increase by $200 or more in the last year, and he expects the dark side of the boom will be a major issue in the upcoming provincial election.
Even in a full-employment economy, where Domino's Pizza is offering $15 to $20 an hour, there are still pockets of entrenched poverty. Lee Bolger works at the aptly-named Boomtown Outfitters, a camping equipment store at the edge of the West Side's skid row. The pawn shop and food bank around the corner are hopping all day, catering to the city's primarily aboriginal poor, but Mr. Bolger says the area is changing. Art galleries have moved in, the young middle class are renting apartments and there's a farmer's market on weekends.
"There's definitely a change abroad," he said.